Can I get immediate legal advice during the free consultation?

We get a lot of calls and submissions through our website from potential clients. Sometimes these potential clients need immediate legal assistance or seek immediate legal advice. Unfortunately, our firm usually does not provide immediate legal advice on a potential client’s current situation, but it is not because we do not want to help you.

First, Branigan Robertson’s firm focuses on employment litigation. Basically, Branigan Robertson’s scope of practice includes suing companies for their unlawful conduct. This means that we typically do not get involved until after the employee has been fired or some type of adverse action has been taken against the employee by the company.

Second, even if we were to give immediate legal advice during the initial consultation, it would be exceedingly difficult to provide effective legal advice on the spot. Employment matters are surprisingly complex. The purpose of the initial consultation is to gather the facts and understand the client’s potential case. There is no way every little detail can be covered during the consultation phase. With that said, the attorney would be not be able to provide effective legal advice in the short amount of time and without going into detail as to your situation, which would take well over the consultation time period.

However, during the initial consultation, our firm can most likely provide you with a brief and general explanation what the applicable law to your situation is, and we will take the necessary time to hear your story. We pride ourselves in hearing everyone’s story, no matter how big or how small. With that said, we can’t hear every detail of everyone’s story. We would never get anything done. So we try to be efficient and focus on the highlights of what happened to you. If you feel you have been wronged by your employer, you may have a case. Do not hesitate, and give our firm a call so we can evaluate your potential case.