How to Properly Request a Reasonable Accommodation at Work

Mr. Robertson just published a new video on YouTube that explains how to properly request a reasonable accommodation at work. Branigan made this video because it is critically important that people make this request in the correct way. Mr. Robertson has seen hundreds of cases where employees do this incorrectly and that ultimately hurts their case.

If you would prefer to watch this on YouTube, click here.

Here are the other four videos in this “reasonable accommodation” video series:

Here are some related webpages on this website that cover all of this content in written form:

We hope this information helps you learn more about your rights!

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The Shady Ways HR Refuses to Accommodate Employees

In this post, Mr. Robertson discusses the common ways HR refuses to reasonably accommodate disabled employees. This is the 3rd part in a five-part video series. At its most basic level, the law requires employers to reasonably accommodate a worker with a physical or mental impairment so long as the worker can perform the essential functions of the job. If they don’t, it might be a form of disability discrimination and the worker can enforce his or her rights in court.

If you would prefer to watch this on YouTube, click here.

Here are the other four videos in this “reasonable accommodation” video series:

Here are some related webpages on this website that cover all of this content in written form:

We hope this information helps you learn more about your rights!

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When Must HR Reasonably Accommodate a Disabled Worker?

In this post, Mr. Robertson discusses when Human Resources must reasonably accommodate a disabled worker. This is the 2nd part in a five-part video series. At its most basic level, the law requires employers to reasonably accommodate a worker with a physical or mental impairment so long as the worker can perform the essential functions of the job. If they don’t, it is a form of disability discrimination and the worker can enforce his or her rights in court.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

Here is the other four videos in this “reasonable accommodation” video series:

Here are some related webpages on this website that cover all of this content in written form:

We hope this information helps you learn more about your rights!

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Filed under Disability, Discrimination, FEHA, Health Care, Pregnancy, Retaliation, Wrongful Termination

#1 Reason Why Employees Get Fired (unlawfully)

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

In this post, Mr. Robertson discusses the most common reason workers get fired in violation of state or federal law. This is the 1st part in a five-part video series. The most common reason is the employer refuses to reasonably accommodate a worker when he or she becomes disabled due to a medical issue. It is a form of disability discrimination. This first video is a basic overview of the laws in place to protect workers who have a physical or mental issue.

Here is the next four videos in this “reasonable accommodation” video series:

Here are some related webpages on this website that cover all of this content in written form:

We hope this information helps you learn more about your rights!

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Filed under Disability, Discrimination, FEHA, Health Care, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Retaliation, Wrongful Termination

How to Prove Wrongful Termination

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

In this post, Mr. Robertson details how to prove wrongful termination in an employment lawsuit. This video goes through the basic process that lawyers use to gather the evidence necessary to win in court. The video concluded by talking about how much money wrongful termination cases are worth.

Here are some related videos that add detail to everything Mr. Robertson outlined:

Here are some related webpages on this website that cover all of this content in written form:

We hope this information helps you learn more about your rights!

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When is a Layoff Unlawful?

This video details when a layoff is actually a violation of employment law.

This post is about unlawful layoffs. If you were laid off, how do you know if the termination was legal or not? In this video, Branigan Robertson, an employment lawyer in California, explains when a layoff is illegal.

At a basic level, a layoff is unlawful if you were fired because of one of two reasons:

  1. You engaged in a protected activity, or
  2. You are a member of a protected class.

The video explains exactly what these mean and goes deep into how you and your lawyer can prove it. Branigan also covers the WARN Act, severance packages, and how much unlawful layoff cases can be worth.

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What is Arbitration and Why is it Bad for Employees?

Lots of employees in California have signed an Arbitration agreement. But what is arbitration? In this video, Branigan answers several common questions that we get about this topic. What are the impacts of signing an arbitration contract? Can you avoid arbitration? If you signed an agreement, can you get out of it? If you can’t, is your case doomed?

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Filed under Abuse, Age, Defamation, Disability, Discrimination, Employment Contract, FEHA, Harassment, Health Care, Layoffs, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Privacy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Settlements, Severance, Verdicts, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination