When Must HR Reasonably Accommodate a Disabled Worker?

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

In this post, Mr. Robertson discusses when Human Resources must reasonably accommodate a disabled worker. This is the 2nd part in a five-part video series. At its most basic level, the law requires employers to reasonably accommodate a worker with a physical or mental impairment so long as the worker can perform the essential functions of the job. If they don’t, it is a form of disability discrimination and the worker can enforce his or her rights in court.

Here is the other four videos in this “reasonable accommodation” video series:

  • #1 – The Most Common Reason Why Employees Get Fired (Unlawfully) – https://youtu.be/D7b6jkCC53Q
  • #3 – The Shady Ways HR Refuses to Accommodate Disabled Workers – (coming soon!)
  • #4 – The Best Way to Request a Reasonable Accommodation – (coming soon!)
  • #5 – How Much are Reasonable Accommodation Cases Worth? – (coming soon!)

Here are some related webpages on this website that cover all of this content in written form:

We hope this information helps you learn more about your rights!

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