Category Archives: Health Care

When Must HR Reasonably Accommodate a Disabled Worker?

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

In this post, Mr. Robertson discusses when Human Resources must reasonably accommodate a disabled worker. This is the 2nd part in a five-part video series. At its most basic level, the law requires employers to reasonably accommodate a worker with a physical or mental impairment so long as the worker can perform the essential functions of the job. If they don’t, it is a form of disability discrimination and the worker can enforce his or her rights in court.

Here is the other four videos in this “reasonable accommodation” video series:

  • #1 – The Most Common Reason Why Employees Get Fired (Unlawfully) –
  • #3 – The Shady Ways HR Refuses to Accommodate Disabled Workers – (coming soon!)
  • #4 – The Best Way to Request a Reasonable Accommodation – (coming soon!)
  • #5 – How Much are Reasonable Accommodation Cases Worth? – (coming soon!)

Here are some related webpages on this website that cover all of this content in written form:

We hope this information helps you learn more about your rights!

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Filed under Disability, Discrimination, FEHA, Health Care, Pregnancy, Retaliation, Wrongful Termination

#1 Reason Why Employees Get Fired (unlawfully)

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

In this post, Mr. Robertson discusses the most common reason workers get fired in violation of state or federal law. This is the 1st part in a five-part video series. The most common reason is the employer refuses to reasonably accommodate a worker when he or she becomes disabled due to a medical issue. It is a form of disability discrimination. This first video is a basic overview of the laws in place to protect workers who have a physical or mental issue.

Here is the next four videos in this “reasonable accommodation” video series:

  • #2 – When Must HR Accommodate You? –
  • #3 – The Shady Ways HR Refuses to Accommodate Disabled Workers – (coming soon!)
  • #4 – The Best Way to Request a Reasonable Accommodation – (coming soon!)
  • #5 – How Much are Reasonable Accommodation Cases Worth? – (coming soon!)

Here are some related webpages on this website that cover all of this content in written form:

We hope this information helps you learn more about your rights!

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Filed under Disability, Discrimination, FEHA, Health Care, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Retaliation, Wrongful Termination

What is Arbitration and Why is it Bad for Employees?

Lots of employees in California have signed an Arbitration agreement. But what is arbitration? In this video, Branigan answers several common questions that we get about this topic. What are the impacts of signing an arbitration contract? Can you avoid arbitration? If you signed an agreement, can you get out of it? If you can’t, is your case doomed?

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Filed under Abuse, Age, Defamation, Disability, Discrimination, Employment Contract, FEHA, Harassment, Health Care, Layoffs, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Privacy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Settlements, Severance, Verdicts, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination

How HR Screws Employees Out of Money, Employment Rights & their Jobs

This video is about the four most common tricks that HR uses to cheat their employees.

“Human Resources is there to help the employees, right?” Nope. That is not true and it’s one of the biggest misconceptions in the employment world. HR is at your company to do one thing, protect the company when the human assets (i.e. employees) become a threat.

This is Mr. Robertson’s latest YouTube video about HR, and giving employees information that can help them navigate the complicated world of work. If something strange is happening to you at work, we recommend that you watch all of our videos about HR before you go to complain. Unfortunately, when some employees complain to HR incorrectly, they paint a big target on their back. Here are links to the other videos on HR:

We hope these are helpful.

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Filed under Abuse, Age, Defamation, Disability, Discrimination, Employment Contract, FEHA, Harassment, Health Care, Layoffs, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Privacy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination

How to Save Text Messages from Your Boss or Co-workers for an Employment Lawsuit – Pt. 4

Should you save those scandalous text messages that you receive from your boss or co-workers? The answer is yes. This video and webpage is about how to do it properly so that if you have to take legal action down the road those text messages will help prove your case. Saving good documents, like emails and text messages, can mean the difference between losing your case, and winning millions of dollars in punitive damages.

This video is Part 4 in Branigan’s video series called, “How to Document Bad Behavior at Work.”

This video series is especially important if you feel like your legal issues fall within one of the following categories:

If you would rather watch this video on YouTube, click here.

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Filed under Abuse, Age, Defamation, Disability, Discrimination, FEHA, Harassment, Health Care, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Privacy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Settlements, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination

What are the Legal Implications of Quitting Your Job?

What are the legal implications of quitting your job? Can you collect unemployment? Severance? What if you have a case and you quit (vs letting them fire you), will you still be able to take action? I answer all of those questions in this video.

My office gets a lot of calls from people who quit and still want to take action. This video details the critical things that lawyers look at in this situation.

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Filed under Age, Defamation, Disability, Discrimination, Employment Contract, FEHA, Harassment, Health Care, Layoffs, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Privacy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Settlements, Severance, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination

How to Complain to Human Resources the Right Way

As with all things in life, making a complaint at work is a risk. If you complain to human resources the wrong way, you might get fired (it happens far more often than people think). That is why I took the time to make a video about the correct way to complain to HR.

This video will explain the five things you need to know before you complain about your issue at work. It also covers how HR will react to your complaint and what you should expect if they conduct an “investigation.”