Long Beach Employment Attorney

Are you a resident of Long Beach? Were you sexually harassed, denied overtime, wrongfully terminated, or misclassified? Did your boss retaliate against you for speaking out about harassment, safety, or some other vitally important issue in your workplace? If you were recently fired or “laid-off” from your company and feel the dismissal was wrongful, our employment lawyer would like to help.

When an adverse employment action is taken against you the statute of limitations begins to run and could jeopardize your whole case if you don’t act quickly. Call to speak with one of our Long Beach labor lawyers to hear your legal options.

Free Consultation on All Cases

Mr. Robertson loves representing women in sexual harassment lawsuits. He seeks justice passionately. The most common form of sexual harassment is ‘hostile work environment.’ In a nutshell, these cases may involve various forms of verbal and physical conduct, of both a sexual or nonsexual nature, which have the purpose or effect of creating a hostile or offensive working environment. Supervisors, co-workers, subordinates be the harasser that gives rise to hostile work environment.

To win such a case, the employee must prove that she was subjected to unwelcome sexual advances, conduct, or comments; and the harassment was “so severe or pervasive” as to “alter the conditions of the victim’s employment and create an abusive working environment.” What kind of conduct can be harassment? It is limitless, it includes groping, gestures, grabbing, intimidation, taunts, ridicule, comments, etc.

Employment Lawyer in Long Beach

Attorney Branigan Robertson has experience handling many employment claims and lawsuits. He brings a unique perspective to his current practice, the representation of unpaid and harassed clients. For the majority of his career, his professional efforts have exclusively focused on representing employees in workplace disputes.

At Branigan Robertson, we aggressively protect the rights of employees throughout California. Most of our clients come to us as referrals from other lawyers. Our reputation speaks for itself.

More Practice Areas in Long Beach

We represent clients throughout Long Beach, Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the rest of California.