Legally, sexual harassment is unwanted sexual advances, conduct, or comments. Your attorney will have to prove to a jury that the behavior was unwelcome. How will he do this? One of the best ways is to tell the harasser in writing to stop. Obviously, this is easier said than done. It takes guts to confront a sexual bully.
The victim often feels too scared to verbally confront the harasser. This is understandable, but it is important that you try to end the harassment before it gets worse. If asking the harasser in person to stop is too intimidating the victim can write a letter telling the perpetrator to stop. A text message or email will suffice as well. From your attorney’s perspective, the written option is the best option because there is a record.
- Visit our Sexual Harassment page here
- Visit our General Harassment page here
- Visit our Hostile Work Environment page here
Sexual Harassment Confrontations are Difficult
A final option is to have a third party tell the perpetrator to stop behaving inappropriately. Whichever option you choose, make sure there is a witness to your request. If you decide to tell the harasser yourself, make sure you bring along a member of human resources or a colleague. It is hard to prove verbal statements so it is best to have someone present when you ask the harasser to stop.
A victim should clearly tell the harasser that his or her conduct is inappropriate and that they want the harassment to stop. It is important to take sexual harassment seriously. If the company does not take it seriously, it may be liable for substantial amounts of money.
If you’ve been sexually harassed, contact our Orange County law office immediately. Our attorney represents employees throughout California.