Walnut Employment Attorney

Were you sexually harassed, misclassified, wrongfully terminated, retaliated against, or denied overtime pay? If you were recently fired or “laid-off” from your company and feel the dismissal was illegal, Branigan Robertson would like to help. Mr. Robertson is an employment lawyer accepting cases in Walnut, CA.

When an adverse employment action is taken against you the statute of limitations begins to run and could jeopardize your whole case if you don’t act quickly. Call to speak with one of the local labor lawyers in our firm to understand and secure your rights to money damages.

Employment Lawyer Walnut

Attorney Branigan Robertson has experience handling a wide variety of employment claims and lawsuits. Mr. Robertson brings a unique perspective to his current practice, the representation of unpaid and harassed clients. For the majority of his career, his professional efforts have exclusively focused on representing employees in workplace disputes.

We aggressively protect the rights of employees throughout California. Because of our reputation for hard but fair advocacy, many of our clients come to us as referrals from other lawyers in California.

Free Consultation

Branigan Robertson works on a contingency fee. A contingency fee is where the fee is payable to the law firm only if there is a favorable result.  Contingency fees are usually calculated as a percentage of the client’s net recovery.

Practice Areas in Walnut


California law prohibits an employer from retaliating against any employee who engages in protected activity under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). Government Code section 12940(h), protects employees from retaliation who resist or object to discrimination or harassment. A top Walnut lawyer explains that this provision makes it unlawful “for any employer…to discharge, expel, or otherwise discriminate against any person because the person has opposed any practices forbidden under this part or because the person has filed a complaint, testified, or assisted in any proceeding under this part.”

Let us help you with your employment case. Call us or use our online contact form to get in touch with our aggressive Walnut employment attorneys. We provide services throughout Southern California.