Category Archives: Verdicts

What is Arbitration and Why is it Bad for Employees?

Lots of employees in California have signed an Arbitration agreement. But what is arbitration? In this video, Branigan answers several common questions that we get about this topic. What are the impacts of signing an arbitration contract? Can you avoid arbitration? If you signed an agreement, can you get out of it? If you can’t, is your case doomed?

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Filed under Abuse, Age, Defamation, Disability, Discrimination, Employment Contract, FEHA, Harassment, Health Care, Layoffs, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Privacy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Settlements, Severance, Verdicts, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination

How to Get a $1,000,000 Settlement – Video

In this vide Mr. Robertson demystifies seven figure settlements. How do lawyers get them for clients? What goes into getting them? Mr. Robertson analyzes the seven major factors that go into getting big-money settlements for clients.

How to Get a Seven-Figure Settlement

Have you ever wondered how people get millions of dollars in a settlement from their lawsuit? This video breaks down the seven major factors that contribute to settlements that size and larger. Mr. Robertson discusses the hard work that is required and the risks that you and the attorney must take. So, if you’ve ever wanted to peek behind the legal curtain, watch this video.

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Filed under Age, Disability, Discrimination, FEHA, Harassment, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Settlements, Severance, Verdicts, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower

How to Complain to Human Resources the Right Way

As with all things in life, making a complaint at work is a risk. If you complain to human resources the wrong way, you might get fired (it happens far more often than people think). That is why I took the time to make a video about the correct way to complain to HR.

This video will explain the five things you need to know before you complain about your issue at work. It also covers how HR will react to your complaint and what you should expect if they conduct an “investigation.”

If you found this to be helpful, please leave a comment below.

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Filed under Abuse, Age, Defamation, Disability, Discrimination, Employment Contract, FEHA, Harassment, Health Care, Layoffs, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Privacy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Settlements, Severance, Verdicts, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination

What does being an “at-will employee” actually mean? Can I get fired for “any reason”?

This is a very common question. At-will employment does not mean that the company can fire you for any reason they want. That is incorrect. In this video, employment attorney Branigan Robertson explains the at-will doctrine and how it actually works.

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Filed under Abuse, Age, Defamation, Disability, Discrimination, Employment Contract, FEHA, Harassment, Health Care, Layoffs, Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Privacy, Race, Religion, Retaliation, Settlements, Severance, Verdicts, Wage & Hour, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination

New Video! How Much are Leave of Absence Lawsuits Worth?

Do you want to know how lawyers value leave of absence cases? Then you should watch this video.

Branigan made this video to add value to his Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA) webpages. To learn more about these robust and complicated areas of law, visit whatever page most applies to you. Hint: if you are in CA, visit the CFRA page.

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Filed under Leave of Absence, Pregnancy, Settlements, Verdicts

New Video! How Much Money are Discrimination Lawsuits Worth?

I am pleased to release our latest whiteboard video! This video is all about how much money discrimination lawsuits in California settle for. It focuses entirely on the monetary value of unlawful discrimination. It details how much cases are worth and why.

If you want to learn more about unlawful workplace discrimination in California, visit our main discrimination page here.

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Filed under Discrimination, FEHA, Settlements, Severance, Verdicts